
Amplify Your Impact!

ION pioneered the Human Impact Framework© (HIF) in 2018 to help purpose-driven organizations and entrepreneurs expand and increase their impact. We define human impact as a “point in time when humans connect and value and energy are exchanged.” And while impact happens in a point in time, its effects can be everlasting, so the stakes can be high. The HIF brings greater clarity, intentionality and mindfulness to the moments that count the most. The final product is a beautifully designed, one-page framework that can be used as a foundation for:

  • branding, storytelling and marketing
  • strategic planning
  • organizational development and culture shaping
  • performance support and management
  • employee and leadership development
  • impact evaluation and measurement
  • business planning

Connecting “People” to Purpose

The Human Impact Framework starts with your purpose, then goes deeper. First, we explore who your purpose matters for; how you hope their lives will be positively impacted by your work; the ways in which you propose to have that impact (your “impact proposition(s)”); and ultimately, your vision for their success. Second, we explore why your purpose matters for you, how your life is positively impacted; the enduring values, beliefs, and standards that you intend to live into; the embodied experiences that guide you through these moments of impact; and ultimately, your vision for your ideal future.

I feel so seen. This is me on a page.”
– ION Individual Client

The HIF Process for Individuals

Your HIF is drafted over the course of three online conversations lasting 1.5 – 2 hours each. We use a digital collaboration platform to create your HIF, and give you continual access to your HIF as it evolves. There is little to no “homework” between sessions, other than to practice being present, mindful and compassionate with yourself and others as your clarity and intentionality grow.

Listen to Janna’s interview with Blake Fleischacker on the power of greater clarity, intentionality and mindfulness in moments of human impact!

Process for Organizations and/or Systems

We customize our approach for organizations and systems, but generally speaking, the engagement normally involves a series of whole-system conversations, supported by intensive work with an internal cross-representational core team. This team plays a critical role in internally energizing and anchoring the process. They also help us ensure that we put appropriate boundaries around the invitations and engagements to ensure we liberate ideas and information that the leaders are willing and able to use.

It’s important to know that this process is only right for clients who are able and willing to engage across the whole system. Let us tell you why. Every client we have ever worked with has wanted people to feel included, and they’ve also wanted greater clarity, alignment, and commitment to a vision, shared purpose and goals. To do that we need to be fully inclusive and hear all voices, especially those who are closest to the intended human impact, and including those who you seek to impact. Our carefully designed and facilitated conversations are generative (life-giving) in nature. Since they take place in the realm of vision, every person who plays a role in co-creating your ideal future state has the potential to make a huge contribution to the experience and outcome.

Channeling the Human Spirit as a Force for Good

The end result is a truly shared vision for human impact, grounded in the hundreds or even thousands of daily interactions that are designed to manifest that vision. When you orient your highest level of intention setting around these moments, you channel the human spirit as a force for good while simultaneously honouring what each individual brings to (and gets from) those moments.

“We love our strategic plan too, but honestly, all anyone is talking about is our Human Impact Framework!”
– ION Client

See More Information on ION’s Shared Visioning Model

Special Offer for Not-for-Profits

We know that the people and organizations that arguably do the most good in society can seldom afford a system-wide engagement such as this. Therefore, in the Fall of 2022 we will be releasing a FREE user guide and tool that not-for-profits can use to develop their Human Impact Framework! Stay tuned for more information here, or contact janna@ionconsulting.ca.

Coming Fall 2022

The Human Impact Framework family is growing! Since early 2022, we have been working with a select number of consultants and coaches who have been training and leading with us on the HIF frontier! If you are a coach or consultant who is interested in learning how to become certified in the Human Impact Framework method, contact janna@ionconsulting.ca

New Website Announcement

In the Fall of 2022, we will launch our new website @  www.humanimpactframework.com where you can get the latest updates, access new content, engage with us, and meet some of the people behind this movement!

Get in Touch!

We’d love to hear from you! Contact Janna Jorgensen at janna@ionconsulting.ca.
